GE Water & Process Technologies
Waste not. Because the world can afford nothing less.

With a history of acquisitions and changes in strategy and leadership, GE Water & Process Technologies struggled to tell their story with confidence and consistency. We saw an opportunity to fill a vision void that was negatively affecting performance and company culture. GE Water needed a fresh brand strategy—at a time when cynicism was running deep.
As we move into the uncharted territory of an increasingly water-stressed world, the challenges for water-dependent companies have become more and more pressing. We met GE employees around the world who are passionately committed to making sure that their customers’ critical resources—from water, chemicals and equipment to time, talent and money—are maximized. They also want to ensure that total cost is minimized and that nothing is wasted. Here was an opportunity to truly plant a big, bold and audacious brand flag in the ground, challenging GE employees to help their customers “waste nothing.”
