FM Global Flood Map
Flooding the market with thought leadership.

Flood is one of the most devastating and costly of natural disasters. Climate change, globalization, urbanization and outdated or non-existing flood information all add to the risk. FM Global’s proprietary Global Flood Map leveraged real time, scientific data to show flood risk everywhere in the world for the first time ever. The question became how do we help people see the dramatic difference of this new tool.
The answer to our question was simple: vibrant pink. This is the universally accepted color used on maps to denote flood zones. We appropriated the pink to represent the impact of flooding in everyday situations that instantly made flood a real and relevant business consideration.
Striking a balance between thought leadership and the conspicuous impact of a flood on business, the campaign tapped into the often-held but mistaken belief, “It won’t happen to me. It won’t happen here.”
