The University of the Arts
How to reach young freethinkers who aren’t always listening.

Next-gen creatives can’t be, won’t be labeled. They sniff out the inauthentic in one click. There’s too much else to see, create, deconstruct, imagine. So it was simple. To boost enrollment, we just had to deliver a hit of dopamine as strong as all the other verbal, visual and video signals clamoring for their attention.
Potential UArters needed to see themselves in the lives of current students. With one-third of all online activity spent watching video, we had a powerful message-delivery platform. We filmed an ode, of sorts, to young artists, dancers, musicians, composers, dreamers and rule breakers. It captures community without saying it. Possibility without hyping it.
We helped future students discover UArts through a limited-edition book that was the antithesis of a college brochure. It barely mentioned the school. Instead, it was an emotional, poetic gesture to the kind of people who flourish there. It was shared. Reprinted. And today, it’s in the permanent collection of the AIGA..
